MoS Action for Dementia
Action for dementia in Milford on Sea is helping to build a dementia friendly community. We provide information on where and how to access local groups for those living with dementia and their families/carers. We offer andvice and signposting to people affected by dementia and their families. We run two groups:
Milford Music - Music for a Healthy Mind. This is an inclusive community group for anyone who enjoys music, and particularly welcomes those who are affected by dementia or other conditions it meets on the second and fourth Thursday of every month at the MoS Community Centre (The Bridge) in Sea Road. There’s no need to book. Just go along!
Memory Afternoons - welcome anyone who is caring at home for a relative or friend, either with or without the person they care for. There are games and reminiscence activities.
These sessions are run by Jan, our Coordinator, who is very experienced in working with people affected by dementia. She will be able to signpost to relevant local services and support, as well as being a sympathetic ear. No need to book. Just come along.
They have a website with more information and some really useful resources.